Missionary Childhood Association (MCA)

The Pontifical Society of the Holy Childhood was founded in 1843 by Bishop Charles DeForbin Janson to help children in mission lands and bring salvation.

Aims of PMS Lagos

To promote the goals and objectives of the Pontifical Societies

To increase universal missionary awareness

To awaken the need for coorperation for evangelisation of the world

To deepen one's faith and trust in God

To promote vocations

To aid when needed


To create an enabling environment for prayer, moral and biopsychosocial development for the Catholic children of the Archdiocese and position them better for a fulfilled life in Christ.


To inculcate in every Catholic child the spirit of selflessness, faithfulness and active participation in the things of Christ and the Church.

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Every Child Deserves

Enroll your children now into the Missionary Childhood Association
and avail them the opportunity to connect with children around the globe